MEN! Fight For Me is co-authored by Alan Smyth & Jessica Midkiff, plus a host of other experts, both survivors as well as professionals in the field.

Alan Smyth
Currently Alan serves as the Executive Director for Saving Innocence, an anti-human trafficking, community-based organization focused on child victims of sex trafficking. Based in Los Angeles, Alan has responsibility over Direct Services and Business Operations. His main focus includes budgeting and resource development, strategic partnerships, staff development and client services. You can learn more about Saving Innocence at
“Fight For Me” are words he heard directly from a survivor of sex trafficking. Alan’s unique view into this tragedy has given him a backstage pass to this horrific exploitation of children. Co-authored by Jessica Midkiff, herself a survivor of child trafficking, this book speaks directly to the hearts of men and our responsibility to step up and take leadership in the remedy.
Alan’s greatest achievement is being married to Sharon for 40 years and being Dad to Brittany, Trevor, daughter-in-law Katy and newcomer, grandson Henry.

Jessica Midkiff
Jessica is a true “lived experience expert.” She has survived ten years of commercial, sexual exploitation as well as having spent over ten years of advocacy work helping victims escape and recover. Jessica was instrumental in piloting many of the programs still used today which help trafficking survivors exit the life. In 2015, she was recognized as “Woman of the Year” in Los Angeles County for her extraordinary work in the field.
Currently, Jessica works for Saving Innocence and does a myriad of duties such as development support, administration, and helping interview prospective employees.
Jessica’s greatest achievement is being Ja’Lynne’s mom.