Men! Fight For Me – Chapter 7 “The Victims”
Co-Authors Alan Smyth & Jessica Midkiff welcome in nationally known survivor leader and trainer, Rebecca Bender. They take a deep dive into the complexity of the victims of sex trafficking.
Men! Fight For Me – Chapter 5 “The Buyers”
Alan Smyth & Jessica Midkiff welcome their special guests Sarah Godoy and Ryan Dalton to this Zoom Cast episode where they take a deep dive into what's going on with "Sex Buyers."
Men! Fight For Me – Chapter 3 “Rachel’s Story”
Rachel Thomas joins Alan Smyth and Jessica Midkiff as they discuss her journey into sex trafficking as a college student. Rachel's story reminds us that sex trafficking is not as far away as you might think.
Men! Fight For Me – Chapter 6 “The Traffickers”
Alan Smyth, Jessica Midkiff and special guest Harmony Grillo take a deep dive into what's going on with the Traffickers in Human Trafficking. Jessica and Harmony share from their lived experience expertise.
Men! Fight For Me – Chapter 4 “Man to Man”
Alan Smyth, Ben Chambers and Trevor Smyth discuss authentic masculinity. What is a real man? When do you become one? And how do you pass on to the next generation. The conversation of Authentic Masculinity is paramount to...
Men! Fight For Me – Chapter 2 “Owned, The Life”
Co-Author of Men! Fight For Me, Jessica MidKiff shares her personal story as a lived experience expert of exploitation and child trafficking. She has a powerful story to share with the world as we, as men, aim to get...
Men! Fight For Me – Introduction
Co-Authors Alan Smyth and Jessica Midkiff discuss their book and provide an overview and general thoughts why this important conversation for men is so vital to the future of our culture.